I went back to the park on Monday, same spot. This guy was happily sitting on a bench nearby with his cell phone. He seemed to be all of a piece. That happens sometimes, I don't know exactly why, but when it does it makes them easier to draw. What was great was that he sat there for a really long time.
So then I moved and saw this woman sitting on the grass looking out at the ocean, or something. She was wearing all black and she had a great shape. This is where Ellsworth Kelly comes in for me. I think about how he got his shapes from his surroundings, and I try to do that.
Here she is again, a couple of times, more shape-like this time.
And one more time. I think I wrote that, at the bottom, because here I am drawing this thing, and it just sort of comes out, I don't really seem to know much about it, and sometimes it's just weird. I take responsibility for it because I should, but sometimes I just don't know. I like the drawing though.
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2011-08-18 13:04:02 -0700
I went to Palisades Park again on Monday, check out the blog post! went Wed. also, will post those drawings later http://nbld.us/nfvb1e