I went last Friday, August 12, for the first time (to draw that is) during everyone's lunch hour. I've never really observed closely what goes on there, especially in the summer, so it was more interesting the longer I stayed. There were tour buses which let off the tourists for a quick look at the Pacific, people working nearby who had brought their lunch, and all kinds of people just taking walks. Near the southern end of the park is the Senior Center, which I had always known was there, but never really thought about. I noticed it more this time because they were the only place near where I was that had a restroom and so I went inside. There is a plaque on the wall near the entrance that explains who donated the center, (I will have to go back and get their name again) because of how much they had enjoyed the views and wanted to share it with all future Santa Monica residents. Many people really do seem to use it and enjoy it, lonely souls as well as those who sat and laughed with others as they played cards in the sunshine on the balcony overlooking the ocean.
None of the above is really about my drawing, so I will just say that I've always liked watching people standing or sitting next to each other, in a line, either from behind or in front, like at the bar in previous drawings. These were 3 people looking out over the ocean, leaning on the wall that runs up and down the entire park. I think they were tourists.