Palisades Park in All It's Glory


I had forgotten that I had already posted in my last blog the second of these large green drawings.  This actually is the first.  I was waiting to see if it was finished.
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Out From Under


So I am officially temporarily out from under cover.  
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For some reason it was a Picasso afternoon.  

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Dancing in the Park, and Napping


This might be my most minimal drawing yet, in the park anyway.  I don't have a lot to say about it, I posted it because I like the way it looks like he's dancing.  Really he was just standing at the fence looking out at the Pacific, but that doesn't really matter.  From the fence at Palisades Park the Pacific Ocean looks immeasurably huge.
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Away From My Sketchbook


This is the first time since I began Tweeting my daily drawing intentions that I didn't do what I said I was going to do!  I planned on writing this and posting it yesterday when I got back from the park, but things went awry and I didn't have time.  I try to be a woman of my word so, anyway, what to say?

So, yesterday, because I hadn't made any new sketchbooks in time I grabbed what paper I could find in my garage; it had to be good paper so luckily I found some random Arches (I think the highest quality drawing paper) I had cut up for another purpose.  No time to sew them together!  At first I was sort of glad, larger pieces, no need to ponder what happened if I had something I liked on both sides of a page, no folds, but then...I will finish this thought at the end. I had just gotten an e-mail from my brother, noting the advantages of sketching someone while napping, and the health benefits of napping in general!  So, when I got to the park, and found myself looking for someone who was napping, I was so excited to sit near this woman and see that she was really settled in, she really didn't seem interested in moving at all.  This was one of those moments when the person seemed all of a piece and I was really into it.  But, then, of course, she did move.  I liked the drawing anyway, maybe even better because of it's possibility.

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Another World


On Tuesday, in the northern area of Palisades Park, I entered the world at the game tables. Before Santa Monica redid the entire park, older people would bring their own card tables and chairs to the park and play cards together.  It must have been quite a lug, but they did it for as long as the park's been there I would imagine.  People will do what they need to do.  When the city redid the entire park, probably sometime in the 90s (but I should check just for history's sake) they built tables and chairs and created this permanent area.  It's beautiful, under a canopy of trees, and functional and I bet everyone who plays there is so happy they did it.
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Yellow on Green, like the sun and grass


It was a beautiful, sunny morning on Monday, August 22.  
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A Chilly Wednesday in Palisades Park


It was noon and freezing, not really, but that bone chilling sort of beach day we are having a lot of lately.  And it was noon!  (the heat of the day:).  I had a grand time anyway.  First I examined the plaque at the Senior Center and copied it down.  Here it is:  This building was "given to the people of Santa Monica by MARELLUS L. JOSLYN in memory of his loyal, inspiring and beloved wife of nearly 50 years, ALICE NEWELL JOSLYN who often enjoyed with him, lovely hours on this lofty palisade, watching the lavender and orange sunsets fade into the purple sea.  May others find it equally enjoyable.  1955."  I like writing this down because I bet few people ever notice it let alone read it, I know I never did until now.  It was such a beautiful inscription and I loved that he said his wife was inspiring.  They must have been a nice couple.  After this, I drew this man taking a nap, which really gave me a long time!  There were several people around me curled up on the grass just like him. 
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Another Day in the Park


I went back to the park on Monday, same spot.  This guy was happily sitting on a bench nearby with his cell phone.  He seemed to be all of a piece.  That happens sometimes, I don't know exactly why, but when it does it makes them easier to draw.  What was great was that he sat there for a really long time. 
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Palisades Park


For those who don't know Palisades Park is the park that sits on top of the bluffs in Santa Monica, all the way from a little north of San Vicente Blvd. south to the Pier, at Colorado Blvd.  I decided to give it a try this month.
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